Friday, September 5, 2008

Bigfoot fathered my Child, Woman speaks out against elusive beast.

Now heres a weird one,

A lady named Sonja Levans, claims her abnormally hairy child is in fact the offspring of the creature known to the world as bigfoot. Natively from the Philipines, Sonja moved to her mountain home near Calgary (in Canada) in 1998 with her family. She claims thats where she met the beast.

" He was so tall, and handsome. I had no idea I was looking into the face of an animal. And and animal he was"

Tracking down the Beast was hard enough for Canadian RCMP, but they finally caught up with the creature in Northern Alberta.

" I realize he is a beast, but he needs to be in his sons life. Only he can teach him things that a father can teach" She says.

All across Canada, people have been flocking in to see the captured beast but the RCMP are keeping him under wraps (or at least trying to). Our own Micheal Wells was able to photograph the Beast as he was taken into custody.

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